Maundy Wednesday
Wednesday, April 16 at 5:15 pm
Community Room of W11
We celebrate the traditions of Maundy Thursday at our regular Wednesday time. Remembering Jesus’ last supper with his friends, we gather around a table for dinner. During the meal, we share the readings, prayers, foot washing and Eucharist in a relaxed and prayerful way.
Good Friday
Friday, April 18 at 12:00 noon
MIT Chapel
In this one-hour service, we come to the foot of the cross and remember Jesus’ last words through prayer, song and poetry.
Field Trip: Easter Vigil at University Lutheran Church
Saturday, April 19 at 9:00 pm
66 Winthrop Street, Cambridge (near the Harvard Square T station)
We are invited to join in the Great Vigil of Easter led by our chaplain Kari Jo Verhulst at University Lutheran Church. In this creative adaptation of an ancient service, we will immerse ourselves in the story of God’s people, the promises of our baptism, and the hope of the resurrection. We are also invited to stay for refreshments and fellowship after the service.