Come and connect
We gather for worship and conversation every Wednesday @5:15pm in the MIT Chapel. After worship we eat dinner together, usually a home cooked meal served in the dining room in W11. For more information, contact the Rev. Andrew Heisen. (See contact information below.)
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Our weekly email is our main way of sharing what’s going on at LEM. Subscribe here to get plugged in.
News and Events
Join us for Song + Stillness: Taize at MIT
Ecumenical Contemplative Evening Prayer Sunday evenings at 8 beginning September 20, 2015 in the MIT Chapel Catch your breath and calm your spirit at this simple evening prayer service. Using the music of the Taizé community in France, this 35-minute service includes short readings from Christian scripture, candlelight, meditative singing,…
Summer concert on August 26
Give yourself an end-of-summer treat with Songs of Our Forebears, a concert of American sacred songs with The Polyphony Project on Wednesday, August 26 at 7:00 pm in the MIT Chapel. Religious music has long shaped the soundscape of our country, from the singing schools of New England to…
Sad and grateful goodbyes
Please join LEM in body and/or spirit (whichever parts of yourself are available) tomorrow (Wednesday June 3rd) at 5:15 in the MIT Chapel, where we will bless our graduates and give thanks for Isaac Everett's presence among us this year. We'll continue the celebrating/weeping next door in W11 over a…
St Patrick’s bad analogies
We will celebrate a service of Word and Eucharist on Wednesday at 5:15 in the Chapel. If I remember correctly, Dr. Lucas Mix will deliver the homily. If we follow our modified liturgical calendar, it will be Trinity Wednesday. I recently heard that every explanation of the Trinity…
Josh’s farewell and Cemetery Party
As part of my farewell tour at LEM, I have agreed to preach this Wednesday. It will be an odd experience at this point speaking without slides and also not talking about my thesis. This Wednesday will also be our celebration of Pentecost. I have not ruled out repeating…
Isaac’s last sermon
Slowly but surely we are approaching the end of another semester here at the Institute. Signs of spring and warmer weather are all around us: Trees have sprouted leaves and construction workers are repairing all of the damage to roads from this winter’s record-breaking snowfall. We are also…
Science Monday!
I hope that everyone was able to enjoy the Labyrinth on Friday, either the physical one by the Kresge BBQ pits or the movie with David Bowie. (Thanks, Annie, for making the latter happen!) I’m sure that you found either one of those an exciting and fulfilling experience.…
Semester getting chaotic?
We’re approaching that last big hill in the semester where major projects and final p-sets are coming. If it feels like your life is a little chaotic as the semester winds down, join us for a peaceful worship service at 5:15 in the Chapel or for dinner around…
Out of Cordoba
Thanks to everyone who came to the LEM table at the CPW midway and made it such a fun experience. (Ka-pow!) Personally, I had a lot of fun dancing to the Korean music coming from the table next to us. I also learned that you always make the state of…
Meet new students!
I hope that you have had a chance to go out and enjoy the warm weather. If you still use physical textbooks, take one outside and read it. If all you’re work relies on a computer (like most of mine), I’m sorry. If you have a window, you…
Support Our Ministry

We are grateful for the support of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and the New England Synod of the ELCA. We also rely on alumni and friends for a great deal of our funding. Do you want to help provide spiritual formation, a strong community, and healthy meals to students at MIT?
Yes! I want to make a contribution to the Lutheran Chaplaincy at MIT.
Yes! I want to make a contribution to the Episcopal Chaplaincy at MIT.
Lutheran Chaplin

Rev. Andrew C. Heisen
Pastor Andrew Heisen (he/him) has been serving as the Lutheran (ELCA) chaplain at MIT since 2019. He grew up in New York and New England, spending six summers working on staff at Calumet Lutheran Camp in Ossippee, NH. He attended Dartmouth College, graduating with degrees in music composition and computer sciennce. This led to four years of working in Johnson & Johnson’s IT “Advanced Technology Research” division and two years as a bartender before attending the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia and then Andover Newton Theological School, from which he received a Master’s Degree in Divinity. Before becoming a chaplain at MIT, Pastor Heisen served for seven years as pastor in Shrewsbury, MA, where he now lives with his wife and two children. His interests include ecumenical and interfaith cooperation, creativity in fostering communities of faith, teaching, spiritual discernment, music, and social justice.
Episcopal Chaplain

Rev. Kevin Vetiac
Kevin Vetiac (he/they) is a Boston native with years of ministerial and higher education experience. Kevin graduated from the Boston University School of Theology with a Master of Divinity degree. Recently ordained a transitional deacon in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, Kevin has a big heart for ecumenical ministry and college chaplaincy. Kevin also has a deep love for music and served as the Music Director of The Crossing at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Downtown Boston for six years. Kevin also served as the Cathedral Administrator for three years. Kevin is thrilled to join the Lutheran Episcopal Ministry at MIT and looks forward to continuing the work of creating inclusive and liberating Christian spaces for college students.
Life Together Intern

Hazel-Grace Strong
Hazel-Grace Strong (they/them/theirs) hails from the Great Plains of southwest Kansas. They received their BA in Theology and Catechesis at Franciscan University of Steubenville. A member of the Life Together Community, Hazel-Grace is honored to be an intern at their placement site, the Office of Religious, Spiritual and Ethical Life (ORSEL) at MIT and to be a part of Lutheran and Episcopal Ministry.